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NetSuite OpenAir SFTP to SharePoint

Posted by Jayden Bartram on Mar 14, 2022 3:02:00 PM

NetSuite’s OpenAir allows you to backup files and attachments to an SFTP server. However, no one wants to host or manage an SFTP server these days, especially with everything moving to the cloud. Not to mention, backing up or getting files to a platform such as SharePoint or Box would make the content more usable and increase productivity. Couchdrop offers a simplified solution. 


Use Couchdrop for NetSuite OpenAir SFTP to SharePoint

Using Couchdrop’s Cloud SFTP platform, you can bring your own cloud storage (such as SharePoint, Box, Google Drive, Amazon S3, Azure, etc.) and interact with specific directories or folders using the industry standard SFTP. Through using Couchdrop as a medium, you can send your OpenAir data to SharePoint or any other cloud platform in real-time for backup or to ingest into an ETL pipeline.

How to get started

  • Create a Couchdrop account
  • Connect your cloud storage
  • Create an SFTP user
  • Configure OpenAir

Step 1. Create a Couchdrop account

You'll need to register for a Couchdrop account if you don't already have one. At sign-up, you'll automatically be given 14 days free to evaluate Couchdrop with no credit card required.

Couchdrop Free Trial Registration for NetSuite OpenAir SFTP to SharePoint

Step 2. Connect your cloud storage

Connect your desired cloud storage, in this case, we have opted for a SharePoint document library If you want detailed instructions on connecting other storage, see our cloud storage configuration guides.

Couchdrop Add Storage - SharePoint for NetSuite connection

Step 3. Create user to connect via SFTP

Next, create an SFTP user. The minimum that is required for OpenAir is:

  • Username
  • Password
  • Specify the root directory of the user

Couchdrop OpenAir SFTP User

Step 4. Configure OpenAir to backup via SFTP

OpenAir requires the following information to connect (Found here on page 28 — https://www.openair.com/download/OpenAirAdminGuide.pdf).

  • Address — In this case it will be your Couchdrop Primary Domain
  • Directory — Leave this as the root (or ‘/’)
  • Username & Password— The username and password of the SFTP use you created in step 3

OpenAir SFTP Settings

Once you have configured the above, your OpenAir files will be sent directly to your cloud storage in real-time, and without skipping a beat!

For more information, see our resources at community.couchdrop.io or get started now with a free trial.

Try Couchdrop free for 14 days, no credit card required.

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