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Case study: Inzata

“A catch all for 100% of the things we need to use SFTPs for.”

Alex Durante
Product Director

Inzata is a data analytics platform, and its customers submit data in all sorts of different formats – Excel files, CSVs… the works. They had a way of receiving flat files for data pipelines through FileZilla, but non-tech minded customers couldn’t use it easily and it was labour intensive.

“We don’t have the resources to build our own web portal, so we looked at how we could use another service to augment how we receive flat files to make it manageable,” says Product Director Alex Durante.

“Our developer would have ended up keeping track of 50 SFTPs himself, which wasn’t feasible.”

Alex’s developer found Couchdrop, and was immediately optimistic it could be the answer. Alex admits to having initial doubts that it would work as promised, but quickly got past that.

“There wasn’t a lot out there about Couchdrop so I wanted to make sure it was going to do the job. We were cautiously optimistic, but we found out pretty fast that it checked all the boxes for us.”

Rather than needing a separate SFTP for each customer, Couchdrop created one SFTP that was easy for Inzata to manage, and customers had their own folder within it. This also satisfied Alex’s privacy and security requirements, which was for the transfer portal to simply pass on data rather than store any of it.

“It allows our customer support to set up SFTPs in an easy way, which cuts down our turnaround time a lot. It’s really made things a lot smoother. It’s based on drag and drop, so even our less technical customers can use it and it doesn’t rely on one person to manage it all the time from our side.”

“One thing you don’t want to be doing when you’re signing up new customers is saying, ‘Ok you’ve also got to learn this other new software in addition to ours.’ Couchdrop helps us to get around that. It really smooths the incoming customer experience quite a bit and has helped us to improve our conversion.”

As well as providing the exact file transfer solution Inzata was looking for, Alex has been consistently impressed with Couchdrop’s customer service – including just a few days before doing this case study.

“Couchdrop did an update that disabled the multi file upload function. I reached out to let them know it was a good feature for our clients, and they had it back within two days. That’s an amazing turnaround time!”

“Any time we had an issue with anything, they went above and beyond to help us and even put in place custom items specifically for us. There’s nothing about Couchdrop I dislike or would change.”

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